1 Bartley Bull Pkwy, Unit 1, Brampton, ON, L6W 3T7
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Dr. Tony Keran
Dr. Steven Monardo
Dr. Steve Monardo

Preventative Dental Care in Brampton

We believe in prevention before the need for treatment. Preventative care, which includes your regular hygienist's cleaning and dental sealants, is our priority. It is our way of caring for your teeth, checking up regularly, and keeping them clean and healthy for your overall health and wellbeing. Preventative care treatments include:

  • Teeth cleaning
  • Removing plaque and tartar
  • Treating gum issues like gingivitis
  • Assessing enamel decay
  • Speaking to you about your at-home dental care
  • Remember to schedule an appointment with us at least every 6 months to ensure continuous oral health. If you haven't seen us in a while, book an appointment today!

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